De pe web adunate- selectie de articole numai bune de citit in weekend

Urmaresc constant informatiile cu privire la domeniile in care lucrez si de care sunt interesata, iar acest lucru inseamna in principal ca incerc sa citesc cat mai multe pe subiect. De curand, am inceput si sa salvez cele mai interesante si utile informatii pe care le gasesc si m-am gandit ca ar fi o buna oportunitate sa impartasesc dintre acestea si cu voi. De altfel, eu insumi citesc astfel de summaries constant pe alte bloguri pe care le urmaresc, deoarece ma ajuta sa gasesc articole extrem de interesante, dar si sa am informatia mai bine aranjata. 

Astfel, saptamanal, in weekend, voi posta o selectie scurta de articole care mi-au atras atentia in saptamana precedenta si care sper ca vor fi de interes si pentru voi. 

Six reasons why international business remains dangerous to workers and the environment, even when its leaders genuinely want to do better.

GlobalGiving is accepting applications for the September 2014 Global Open Challenge. Non-profits from anywhere in the world are eligible to participate. 

New European reporting rules, Adidas publishes supplier list and Ontario goes coal-free

Emerging markets such as Africa have without a doubt provided the right fabric for weaving corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies.
Many of the multinational companies who began investing in the continent in the early 1990s have formulated strong CSR policies aimed at helping them provide the right returns for shareholders while supporting their new communities.

Grace Choi invented a 3D makeup printer that's about to take the beauty industry by storm.

si articolul raspuns celui de mai sus

A master makeup chemist on the limitations of the talked-about technology

How does a 20-year-old from Göttingen get involved with Andy Warhol?

In 1970 Andy Warhol had an exhibition of his screen prints in Cologne in the gallery Zwirner, run by the father of the famous gallerist David Zwirner. My local newspaper announced that there was an American guy coming who has created a new kind of art called “pop art” and that he would be showing screen prints. And there was a photo of a cow that was printed repetitively onto wallpaper and I was amazed because it was a kind of disrespectful way of working in the field of art. So I went over there by train and I got permission to come to the vernissage.

Spor la lecturat! 

Credit foto Stuart Miles, Sursa 


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